A few summers ago, I took a photography trip to Alaska, and have just gotten around to publishing my photos. We spent a week in Brooks Falls with the Bears, and another week touring Denali. Here are some of the best photos of our adventure— click on the images for higher resolution versions. All of these photos were taken with the Nikon d7000 and the following lenses: 70-200, 400, and an 18-200. (And some doublers)
Mountain Goats
These Mountain Goat photos were actually taken from a bus ride we took to visit a museum and go on a hike, due to the large amount of impatient, “non-photographers” we had limited time to take pictures of the Goats.

We were fortunate enough to be able to fly around Denali in a small plane, at about 12,000 feet. We got some stunning photos, and I remember testing the temperature (we had one of the doors off) by putting one of my hands out the window for 3 seconds and it immediately became overcome by a pervasive cold! It’s difficult to portray the sheer massiveness of the mountain from these pictures alone.

We got this photo, as we stumbled across two moose on a bike ride not far from where we were staying.

If you look carefully enough in the photo (click on the photo to go to the album and see a higher resolution version) you can actually see my reflection in his eye!

We saw this fox on another bus ride, we were lucky enough to witness it catching a ground squirrel right before we left.

The most exciting part of our trip was Brooks Falls, where we basically lived with the bears. Watching a bear cross the campgrounds as you were eating was commonplace, and the hiking trail to the falls were often shut down because there were bears in the way. The bears, however, were so used to humans that they practically ignored us, even being the annoying photographers we were.

My favorite shot of the whole trip. I like the almost identical body positions of the cubs reflected in the pond.

These next two photos were taken from the bottom viewing platform across the river at 340mm and 1/125 of a second. Had I had a more powerful lens on me at the time, I think these shots could have turned out even better.

My closest catch to the “Signature Bear Catching a Fish In The River” shot. Unfortunately, the fish were not very active during our stay, and much of the time was spent waiting and hoping that more would come upstream.

Definitely a strange photo. I thought it was a bit unlikely to get a Seagul, a Bald Eagle, and a Grizzly Bear all in one shot!

Denali (The Great One)
Height: 20,328 ft.

We had to wake up at five in the morning and take a few mile bike ride to get here, with high odds of clouds covering up the mountain— very rewarding!

We got these cub pictures from the main viewing platform, as the cubs wandered up beneath us.

Second favorite shot! Pictured is a “Momma Bear” that lived near the camp, and her three cubs. (One is a runt)

We hope you have enjoyed these photos. Feel free to share them with whoever you like, and leave a comment if you have any questions.